I can't believe it's nearly 3 weeks since The Curve Fashion Festival was held in Liverpool. I missed last years, but after going to the 2015 one which was held in Manchester. I was determined not to miss another!
After an epic drive up from Southampton (transportation Star Trek style would be a marvelous thing...) we arrived in Warrington. I say we, my other half was with me, but had his own plans for the day.
The plan was for a leisurely morning and a short trip from Warrington to Liverpool. I hadn't quite planned on such awful weather and a scenic detour through the back roads of Liverpool though. Eventually, flustered and slightly soggy, we arrived.
The obligatory nervous hotel room selfie before the event, and the soggy view from the window.
The first stand I stopped at was Lindy Bop - so many new prints coming soon (unicorn shoes anybody?).
The very lovely Hayley from Curves and Curls was on the Studio 8 stand
The main sponsors New Look had a huge stand at the end of the hall, I could have spent a small fortune here
River Island (as usual) had some beautiful items
Some other bits and pieces that I loved on the day
And as I always say, the best thing about events like this is catching up with friends and making new ones.
There's always that person who goes to the wrong place for the group photo and then has to run and squeeze in on the end...oh wait...that's me! Oops.
And finally, I need this wall for all future blog photos. It's much nicer than my side wall.
My outfit details were: dress from TU at Sainsburys, size 22 (old), cardigan from Primark, size 20 and trainers from Converse.
The whole day flew by, I met so many people, missed so many people (next time!) and can't wait to do it all again next year (without the rain maybe please).
Thanks for reading