Southern Yacht

My little take on plus size fashion, life, travel and smurfs

Friday, 19 July 2019

My blog is 5 years old

I can't quite believe it - but my little blog is now 5 years old! And what better way to celebrate than by buying a ridiculously over sized balloon from Amazon and prancing around the garden (btw - buying a balloon when it's windy outside... not a great idea)

What started as a hobby all those years ago has now become such a huge part of my life.

It all started with me googling ways to remove gel nail varnish (a long and disastrous story for another day). I stumbled across so many blogs with hints and tips and consequently spent a lovely evening falling into a rabbit hole of blogs, twitter and instagram.

One though really caught my eye, Leah wrote about plus size fashion amongst other things and wow! Being plus size myself, it was amazing to see such a confident blogger wearing exactly what she liked and looking great. So for the next 6 months or so I stalked her blog and found as many other plus size bloggers as I could to follow.

In the back of my head, I kept thinking, I'd like to write about that, I could talk about this. So one day I just did. I'm sure like most bloggers, my early posts and photos were, shall we say, interesting? But you know what, I've kept them all live because at the time I loved them. And all of those early wonky photo blog posts help make the blog I have today.

And so, because there's nothing I like better than a list, here's the top 5 highlights of my blog.

Number 1 - Remember I mentioned Leah and other plus size bloggers? Meeting them in real life, becoming friends with them and working together makes this whole blogging thing real and worthwhile.

Some of the many lovely people I've met over the last 5 years

Number 2 - walking the catwalk at Style XL in 2015. This was such a scary and exciting day but so glad I did it, even if I did have a severe case of resting bitch face in most of the photos (tbh, I was concentrating on not falling off the stage).

Wearing Voodoo Vixen at Style XL 2015

Number 3 - sharing opportunities with family and friends. One highlight that comes to mind is being able to take my other half on a day out on the Watercress Line last year. A day riding steam trains? He was in his element.

War on The Line - a day out on the Watercress Line

Number 4 - confidence. Not just with going to events (years of working in the Civil Service and endless meetings and conferences helped sort that) but confidence with clothes and personal style. Generally just being me - a plus size, 50+ person finding her own style.

Finding my confidence as a plus size blogger

Number 5 - numbers. This seems an odd one. I know in the grand scheme of things, I'm a very little fish in a very big pond. But seeing viewing numbers and interactions rise over the years makes me think that maybe, just maybe, I'm doing ok.

On holiday in Devon

To everybody that has read my ramblings online - a very big thank you. Here's to the next 5 years!

Thanks for reading



Friday, 12 July 2019

Daily Goal Setter Planner - my review

Daily Goal Setter Planner from Mål Paper

Do you ever find you need a helping hand to focus on the positive rather than dwell on the negative, maybe the whole process of setting and prioritising goals is feeling like a bit of an overwhelming task? If you're like me and the answer is yes (and even more so since returning from holiday!) then the lovely people at Mål Paper have the answer.

They kindly offered to send me a copy of their Daily Goal Planner to review. First impressions on receiving the planner was just how professional it looks. I opted for the black finish as I wanted something smart enough to use on the go and at meetings while still being small enough to fit into a tote bag along with a laptop. It also has a sturdy back pocket perfect for keeping receipts in or any important keepsakes.

The planner is split into monthly, weekly and daily pages with a rating score on each page. The daily pages have a section to note down great things that happened that day. This is such a good idea - it's all too easy to focus on the negatives in life and this really helps you to focus on the positives whether they're big or small. You could have finally got that long awaited promotion or simply had lunch with a friend, either way, they're all positive things in your day.

Daily Goal Setter Planner from Mål Paper

At the front of the planner is a very helpful section on getting started. We all have dreams and ambitions but sometimes they feel a bit overwhelming and unreachable. By breaking them down into realistic and achievable goals - it helps you declutter your mind to reach those goals.

It talks you through setting effective goals:

  • Identify the goal
  • Identify it's importance/value
  • Write it down
  • Review your goals

Are your goals SMART:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Timely

Daily Goal Setter Planner from Mål Paper

There's also a section on routines, helping you to rate your tasks using the ABCDE method which prioritises tasks from A (must be completed) to E (no consequence if task isn't completed that day). Also suggested daily, weekly and monthly routines so that you can get into the habit of practising daily gratitude and daily affirmations. All of which helps to create a positive mindset.

Daily Goal Setter Planner from Mål Paper

One feature I particularly like is that the pages are undated. There's no pressure to make an entry every day and if you forget, go on holiday or are ill, you don't start again with blank pages making you feel bad about what you missed! 

Daily Goal Setter Planner from Mål Paper

The planner is available in black, grey or pink from Mål Paper for £20.95. Perfect if you want help to focus on a more positive outlook and realise your dreams.

Daily Goal Setter Planner from Mål Paper

Thanks for reading


(Planner was gifted for the purpose of this review)

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