Southern Yacht

My little take on plus size fashion, life, travel and smurfs

Thursday, 30 April 2020

It's ok...not to be ok

It's ok not to be ok

Well, it's been a while hasn't it? I had so many posts saved as drafts that I was going to publish in March and April. But then lockdown started and suddenly everything I wanted to write all seemed frivolous and irrelevant. I took plenty of photos, but words seem to escape me!

April 2020 pictures

5 weeks in and I've started tentatively thinking about blog posts again. I'm not planning to write much about how this has impacted my life and all our lives - my blog isn't a space where I'd feel comfortable talking about that. Instead I'm just going to share some images that friends have shared with me that sum up how I feel much better than I can ever express in words.

We are not in the same storm


Looking at my draft posts, a lot of them are travel based - would people would want to read them when travel at the moment seems like a far away dream? But then - I'm enjoying spending time reading about places I've visited, places I hope to visit in the future so maybe someone out there might like reading about our travels.

View from a plane window

And there's nothing much else to add other than look after each other - and remember to look after yourself.


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