Southern Yacht

My little take on plus size fashion, life, travel and smurfs

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Day trip to London and the Cutty Sark

Hi everyone,

It's been a busy few weeks lately but I always manage to find time to sneak in a day trip or two. Last week we had a family day in London and decided to visit the Cutty Sark.

It was a lovely sunny day with a fair bit of walking. After my recent ankle op, comfort was the order of the day. Although, let's be fair, anyone who reads my blog will realise how much I love my jeans.

Here are a few piccies from the day

 I'm only 5'3 - these are low ceilings!

Top - Primark (old) size 20
Jeans - M&S boyfriend style size 20
Shoes  - TU at Sainsburys
Bag - M&S (old) but holds the kitchen sink

I love the sky in this shot - it didn't rain but just looked so threatening

The work involved in restoring the Cutty Sark is amazing. Being able to see underneath like this is breathtaking

The obligatory silly shot

 I was told to stand by the door for scale - so I did

My favourite shot of the whole day

I love days out and I'm so lucky to live only a couple of hours away from London. I used to go there regularly in my previous job and it's nice now to be a tourist again.

Thanks for reading



Friday, 22 May 2015

Torchwood convention and a Nicky Rockets t-shirt

Hello there,

I've had tickets for a Torchwood convention in my hot little hands for some time now - but no clear idea of what to wear. That is until I saw the Curvy Time Traveller t-shirt from Nicky Rockets.

This had to be the perfect t-shirt to wear to a Torchwood convention for any Dr Who loving fan.

As you can see - I had a great time wearing it and it certainly got a bit of attention!

Thanks for reading



Monday, 18 May 2015

Belgium travels

Hello there,

Well, in the week before my ankle op, I was in Belgium. I've mentioned this before I'm sure but it's one of my most favourite places to go on holiday. I have lots of friends there and combined with the history, scenery (not to mention the food!) it makes it a great place visit every year.

I'd love to say I prepared lots of fab ootd pics, planned some stylish outfits and mixed and matched all my accessories but as per normal, I had a great time and remembered all the other stuff at the end!

So here's a few pics of what I got up to and some of the amazing things I wish I'd bought:

I love these fab glasses from Claire's - they make me smile every time I wear them

Bruges in the evening - such beautiful buildings

Standard silly posing

If this shop has been open, all of this would have been mine!

So very true!

A good motto I think

A shop by the hotel - made me giggle every time we walked past.

Some of the scenic canals in Bruges

On the Belgium coast at Blankenberge - early morning and very cold!

Bit of a smurf theme going on here...

Grand Place in Brussels - never get tired of visiting here

A nutella waffle - heaven on a plate

Beautiful countryside near Zichem

Ending off with a hot chocolate - perfect end.

Thanks for reading - there really was a lot of pictures! Let me know what you think, do you like seeing travel photos ?



Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Ankles and absences and being an overweight patient

Hello there,

It's a been a while since I updated my little blog. Some of that was due to me being in Belgium (there's a post on that to follow soon) but I've been quiet mainly due to me having an op on my ankle and the recovery after that.

Some of you will know that I've had an ongoing problem with my right ankle. I'm a clumsy so & so and in 2013, I had a couple of major falls and my ankle has never been the same since.

Now I hate (with a passion) going to the doctor. I braced myself for a lecture on how my problems with my ankle were due to my weight etc etc. But surprisingly - I didn't get that at all. I suspect listening to other people's surgery stories that I was very lucky. But it's so sad that people (myself included) put off going to the doctors for so long because of the fear of being 'told off' for their weight.

I worked myself up into a real state over the pre-assessment, worried that they'd raise their hands in horror and say you can't possibly have a general anaesthetic, you weigh too much. But nothing - my blood pressure even behaved itself and didn't shoot straight off the scale which it has a tendency to do whenever I see a doctor or nurse. So there I was, all booked in for a right ankle arthroscopy. No getting out of it now!

 The arrow amused me no end, I know they had to mark the correct leg, but I so wanted to know what would happen if the arrow faced upwards.....

A very snazzy blue boot on what felt like the biggest foot in the world.

The crutch pose! Surprisingly easier to walk on than I thought. I had visions of face planting the floor, but I got quite speedy on these.

I'm now off the crutches and just starting to drive again. Still can't walk too far, but that will improve in time. I would say my days of high heels are over, but to be honest, I could never manage them anyway.

I do wish though that I hadn't left it so long to get sorted. My fear of doctors and their attitude towards plus size patients had warned me off. I suspect my experience through this surgery is in the minority which is sad. Not once (so far) has anyone suggested that weight or fitness was to blame for my ankle problems. You could say I was worrying unnecessarily but having experienced negativity in the past, it had really turned me against the medical profession. I will be braver though in the future, and reading about other people's experiences, positive and otherwise has given me the confidence and knowledge to approach the next encounter without panicking.

I hope that reading about this helps, if anybody wants any more info or details, just drop me a line.

Thanks for reading


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