Southern Yacht

My little take on plus size fashion, life, travel and smurfs

Monday, 20 June 2016

A day at RHS Rosemoor - holiday post

Hello there,

Has there ever been something which you didn't really 'get' or understand? For me it's gardening. I love to sit in gardens and I could look at them all day, but the practical side of gardening confuses the hell out me. Bit like this really:

So when it was suggested we spend a day at RHS Rosemoor during our week in Devon, I braced myself for a day of confusing terms, lots of nodding at unpronounceable plants and a hell of a lot of walking.

And you know what? It wasn't bad at all. We bought our tickets online before we travelled down to save a few quid and it worked out at £9 an adult. Not the cheapest thing to do but if you plan to spend the whole day there like we did, it's not too bad. I also took a LOT of water, sunglasses and sunscreen as it was a hot day with a lot of walking around in not a lot of shade. My trusty Primark trainers were so comfy.

There's a quite a lot of photos - but just be grateful I didn't include all the individual plant ones that were taken during the day - otherwise you'd be scrolling through 100's of them!

There was a lovely mix of formal and wild meadows, I did enjoy ambling through here.

And of course, no holiday to Devon is complete without a cream tea and a local beer.

So the overall verdict from a non-gardener? I had a great day. It helps that I like people watching and I was quite content to be just left to sit and admire the view while everyone else raved over the vegetable gardens. It also helps to come prepared with water and proper footwear. Would I come again?

Yes!!! It really was an unexpectedly good day (can you tell from the photo?)

Thanks for reading.



Thursday, 16 June 2016

A day with the Donkeys - holiday post

Hello there,

Well, this time last week I was in Devon, getting sunburnt, eating ice-cream and generally having a fantastic time. This week I'm dodging showers and trying to resist the temptation to put the heating on. Welcome to a British Summer!

On one of our days, we headed off to the Donkey Sanctuary near Sidmouth. Now I have a real soft spot for donkeys, but really, what's not to love about a donkey?? The sanctuary in Devon is home to around 500 donkeys and is open 365 days a year. It's free to enter but there are plenty of opportunities to donate or you can even sponsor a donkey (I nearly did - I was very tempted).

Now I didn't get my hopes up too much for any donkey interaction (does that sound weird?) The last thing I wanted was to go somewhere where animals were being stressed by being stroked or prodded by a load of visitors.

I needn't have worried though. The donkeys were independent little things and there was so much space for them to roam and get away from inquisitive humans. And those donkeys that did want a head scratch or two could always find a willing human to oblige.

I could have spent all day there happily just watching them all. I was impressed at the size of the fields and paddocks they were in which gave them plenty of space to roam and roll around.

There was an inner courtyard where some of the friendlier donkeys were allowed to get up and close with visitors. Dogs that were on leads and well behaved were allowed in and it was lovely to see the look on some of the dogs faces as they came nose to nose with a donkey for probably the first time in their lives.

But even in the courtyard, there were places for the donkeys to get some space and helpful staff who very patiently answered all my (probably obvious) questions! 

And wonders will never cease - I actually remembered to stop and take an outfit photo. Maybe I can do this blogging thing after all....

So that's my thoughts on the Donkey Sanctuary - I would definitely recommend it if you're in the area. You can spend as little or as long there as you like. They're currently doing some building work for what looks like a new cafe and entrance, but it didn't bother us and is a perfect excuse to go back again when it's finished.

Thanks for reading



Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Mirror, mirror on the wall (and a few unicorns too)

Hello there,

I had a bit of a mirror shopping frenzy the other day. I had Nectar points burning a hole in my purse so off I trotted to Sainsburys to find something sparkly and new.

We needed a mirror in the hallway and after thinking about it for 24 years, it was time to go and get one.

You can never be too glamorous

(yep - that's a farting unicorn phone case...)

I also saw this little round mirror, I just couldn't leave it behind and it now sits above my jewellery boxes (rather than draped over a rainbow unicorn)

And if there wasn't enough of a unicorn theme already, I added this wooden plaque I'd picked up in Primark last month.

What do you think? Enough glitter and unicorns?

Thanks for reading 



Saturday, 4 June 2016

Curvy Con 2016

Hello there,

Last Saturday I took myself off up to London to see what was happening at Curvy Con 2016.

The event this year was in Hackney, an area I didn't know very well at all. I had plans to get there nice and early to find my way around but roadworks, and a last minute diversion to Notting Hill to see a man about some smurfs kind of scuppered that plan (yes - I did say smurfs...).

The event was held in St John in Hackney, a church being given a 2nd lease of life by hosting events such as this.

A selection of some of the exhibitors.

The best part of any event is catching up with friends and meeting new people. The lovely Rosie from A Rose Like This Designs had her own stall and an amazing catwalk. Her designs are gorgeous and she deserves so much success as she's just lovely.

Nicky Rockets t-shirts were there too and their table was a real gathering point for bloggers to stop and chat.

Why didn't I get a unicorn t-shirt?!!! I think I definitely need one soon.

These photos are my favourite of the whole day. Look at the little girls watching and see how much positivity they're seeing right in front of them - beautiful.

And finally - what did I wear? Well, it wouldn't be me without going a whole day without taking an outfit photo. So you'll have to wait for another post to find that out (I know - bad blogger...)

Were you at Curvy Con and are you planning on going to any other events this year?

Thanks for reading


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