Southern Yacht

My little take on plus size fashion, life, travel and smurfs

Sunday, 30 October 2016

A ferry to France and coping with travel sickness

Hello there,

It feels like an awful long time since I last blogged, and looking back, it really is! A combination of a lot of work, a lovely long holiday and of course the obligatory winter cold put paid to any blogging activity. But I'm back now with lots to catch-up on.

I'm going to split our holiday posts up. We seemed to pack an awful lot into two weeks and while some was spent with friends (which I won't embarrass on here) the rest of the time I'd love to share with you all in (hopefully) manageable chunks and maybe with some hints and tips, and the odd outfit post too.

First up, a ferry to France. Now anyone who knows me, knows that I am not a good traveller. I love going away, am quite happy spending endless hours in terminals, but can really suffer with travel sickness. So when we realised the best option for getting to France was via ferry, my heart sank a little (ok, a lot).

We booked with Britanny Ferries to go from Portsmouth to Le Havre outbound and Caen - Portsmouth on the trip home. Going out we booked a night crossing working on the theory I could sleep through it all....

I was trying very hard not to be apprehensive at this stage and we spent a lot of time distracting ourselves while waiting to board watching this boat being unloaded.

Funnily enough, we were the only people silly enough to be on deck on a cold wet night!

The cabin we booked was an outside one (working on the theory that if I could see a horizon of sorts on an 8 hr trip, I'd be ok). And you know, it really wasn't too bad - I have stayed in worse hotels!

So how was the night? Well, lets just say it was pretty rocky. I didn't feel sick so that was a huge result (thanks probably to the seasick tablets I'd taken). but the movement was very odd. It's a weird sensation feeling yourself sliding down the bed, up the bed, across....etc etc. But it was such a comfort knowing that we had our own bathroom etc - just in case of any upset tummies... If you're a nervous traveller on a boat and a cabin option is available, I would highly recommend it. I'm sure that just knowing I was in my own private space with a toilet and sink helped with my travel anxiety.

(Not sponsored by Kwells - other tablets are available!)

Next morning, despite the rocky night, our first thought was breakfast! Probably because we were out of season, the ferry was pretty empty, so breakfast was a relaxed affair. Just what was needed before tackling the end of the rush hour traffic in Le Havre.

We had a pretty relaxed drive straight up the coast to our destination of Poeke in Belgium. More updates on our Belgium and Dutch travels to follow.

Would we travel by ferry again? I can't deny that taking the car on the Eurotunnel is quick and easy but the slog around London to the Euro terminal is a complete pain. Considering that the Portsmouth ferry terminal is 20 mins from home, it seems silly not to. Guess I'll be stocking up on the seasick tablets then!! 

Thanks for reading



Thursday, 6 October 2016

Jumping on the tutu train

Hello there,

I did it - I bought a tutu skirt!

I've been looking at them for months and months. Even though I loved them, I wasn't sure they were me. I don't seem to be a floral, pastel loving person lately so didn't think a tutu would work for me. Plus I'm super fussy, I didn't want them too short, too pooffy, too many layers of get the idea!

That is until I saw this blog post from the Lovely Leah. Here was a black tutu from La Redoubt. Not a sugar sweet one, but a lovely dark colour perfect for all year. There was even a grey available, but they were pricey so I decided to be good and save my pennies (it's no fun being good!). Then when Leah gave us the heads up that they were in the sale - that was it. The grey one was mine.

I'm trying to show all the layers here- honest! There's a beautiful spotted top layer, an inner mesh layer and a finally the lining.

I know this shot is whited out (the sun made a rare appearance) but I love how my hair looks and how happy I am prancing up and down the garden.

I think there's going to be so many ways to style this. Today I teamed it with a Primark top, but I think this would be so easy to dress up for the evening.

Thanks for reading - and have you jumped on the tutu train yet?


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