Southern Yacht

My little take on plus size fashion, life, travel and smurfs

Monday, 31 August 2015

End of Outfit August - at the top of Portsdown Hill

Hi everyone,

Confession time - life overtook me during the last few weeks so I fell off the Outfit August project (sorry!). But in between the horrendous weather and all other things, I squeezed in one last post before September starts and Autumn hits (anyone else excited at the thought of Halloween this year?).

Near to where I live is Portsdown Hill. It's famous locally for the views, for bikers, for being an MOD base and for being a dodgy area at night (I won't elaborate on that...). Another thing it's famous for is the burger van at the top of the hill. So on a rare sunny day and needing a some fresh air, we drove to the top to have a well needed burger.

I called this my budget outfit, the skirt was from Marks and Spencer sale (£7) and the top is from Primark (£4) (notice hands in pockets - I do love my pockets).

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed Outfit August. These are the other lovely ladies who took part this month:


Thanks for reading



Friday, 21 August 2015

Elvis at the O2, London

Hi everyone,

It's been 38 years since Elvis Presley died and I still remember that day as if it was yesterday (yep, I am that old). The O2 arena in London are currently hosting the exhibition Elvis at the O2 which runs until January 2016 and a couple of weeks ago, I went with my Mother to have a look around.

Now I haven't been to the O2 since it was know as the Millennium Dome (yep, still that old) so I was interested to see how much I'd remember if any. The answer was not a lot. The inside has been totally transformed with plenty of restaurants, cinema and of course the famous arena for live music.

We booked for a 1.00pm slot which gave us plenty of time to get across London on the tube while avoiding the expensive rush hour. Once we got out of the tube station at Greenwich, it was literally a few minutes walk away.

Trying to choose where to eat!

I think that if you're an Elvis fan (which my mother certainly is) then this is a must see exhibition. There probably wasn't as much there as we were expecting and it only took a couple of hours to see it all. We've been to Graceland in America a few times, so this probably raised our expectations higher than they should have been. But overall, it was great day out with non-stop Elvis music and would we go again? Yes - because you can never have too much Elvis!

Thanks for reading



Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Simply Be dark denim dress OOTD

Hi everyone,

I've had this post sat in my drafts folder - but never published it, oops.

I saw a number of bloggers earlier this year wearing a bleach wash denim dress from Simply Be.

I loved the dress, but not the colour. When I was in Simply Be's Exeter store I saw the dark denim version and that was it - I had to have it.

Definitely a theme of hands in pockets here...

I added this bracelet from Primark - perfect colours to match dark denim. Plus the dress (in both colours) is reduced now on Simply Be if you love it as much as I do

Thanks for reading


Monday, 17 August 2015

Outfit August - week 2

Hi everyone,

Here's a round up of various outfits through week 2 of Outfit August. I take photos most days, then forget to do anything with them! There may be a pattern emerging here....

Anyway, here goes

I bought this in the M&S sale - size 22

I wore this for lunch out on a rainy day. The kimono was a charity shop find

This cardigan is so old, but is so light and just goes with everything (plus pockets - you know I love pockets)

I picked these shoes up from the Primark sale on a whim - but oh my goodness - they have to be one of the comfiest shoes ever. Comfort over fashion every time, but I think these look pretty good.

These are the other ladies taking part in Outfit August so check them out


Thanks for reading


Sunday, 16 August 2015

Yellow vintage fair - August and sunshine

Hello there,

Last March I braved the wind and rain and visited the Yellow Vintage Fair held at The Ageas Bowl, home of Hampshire Cricket. This time round, the weather was an awful lot kinder - thank goodness!

We also had more time to enjoy the live music, vintage cars and have a good old nose around all the stalls. I could easily have spent a small fortune on all the vintage jewellery stalls. I'm a real magpie with anything sparkly and colourful.

It was lovely to have a chat with some of the sellers, many I remembered from March. One stall in particular - Curlie's Vintage caught my eye (and my purse). I could easily have bought everything they had for sale

So many vintage style dresses for sale - I did a bit of a squeak when I saw a whole rail dedicated to sizes 20-28

My own outfit for the day was a black and white checked dress from Simply Be. When I first got it, I was in two minds over whether to keep it or not. By the time I'd made up my mind, it was too late to return anyway. Which is just as well, as I love it now!

Some other stalls that caught my eye

I so need this bag in my life....

As the weather was so lovely, this little ice-cream selling caravan seemed to be doing a roaring trade

And it seemed rude not to indulge (salted caramel - gorgeous)

Some of my favourite purchases from the day (there's also a stack of Commando magazines for him himself - no photos of that unfortunately)

Handmade pass/travel card holders

Yellow Vintage Fairs are such a good day, there really is something for everybody and I lost count of the number of times I walked past a stall saying 'I remember having one of those when I was a kid!'. Can't wait for the next one now.

Thanks for reading



Monday, 10 August 2015

Outfit August Day 10 - George @ Asda

Hello there,

This is a bit of a combined post - a bit of Outfit August and a bit of doing something out of my comfort zone.

Everything here was bought at separate times, but they match (I think) quite well. I like it when things happen like that. Looks like I planned the whole outfit instead of inadvertently realising something matches months after buying it.

The outside of my comfort zone is wearing a vest - a tight one with bare arms. But I was comfortable and felt good. I really wouldn't have done that a few years back, so I was feeling pretty pleased.

The skirts from George at Asda. I got a size 20, but in reality, I could easily have gone down a couple of sizes. I'm 5'3 and didn't take the skirt up. But a few trips later and I was wondering if I should have.

The tops and old one from Primark and the shoes are from the Marks & Spencer sale. I added a cotton top (also from Asda) over the top in case it got cold later.

These are the other ladies taking part in Outfit August so check them out


Thanks for reading



Monday, 3 August 2015

Outfit August Day Three

Well, it's day Three of Outfit August - and here's my first outfit! As you can probably guess, it's going to be a whenever I have time month. Although I'm keeping fingers and toes crossed that it's going to get less hectic as the days go on.

Outfit August is the brainchild of Leah from Just Me Leah. It's a great way to dig through our wardrobes and see what we have hidden away and just to document what we actually wear every day.

Now I work from home, and although that should in theory give me plenty of time to do lots of photos, I doubt you'll want to see me everyday in my thinking gear as I call it (aka PJs). Or maybe you do...?

Anyway, this is todays outfit. I have a love/hate relationship with this dress. It's a TU dress from Sainsburys and it's featured on the blog before. I don't think it's the most flattering, but boy is it comfy! So for that reason alone, it earns its place in my wardrobe.

Shoes are my old faithful Crocs. They are like slippers, and I'm seriously considering buying them in black. I just can't wear heels now so anything flat is perfect and black will go with anything. Finally the cardie is from Primark. It was much brighter than I realised once I got it home, but I love it anyway.

I added some earrings from Avon. These are an old pair, but Avon is a really good place to look for jewellery. They quite often do quirky pieces that are affordable and they last forever (I'm not an Avon rep - honest!).

These are the other ladies taking part in Outfit August so check them out


Thanks for reading


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