Southern Yacht

My little take on plus size fashion, life, travel and smurfs

Sunday, 30 March 2014

OOTD - Blue legs!

Hello there :-)

Well, with all this glorious weather, it seemed a shame not to drag myself outside and show you all what I ventured out in today.

I must admit, I am a big trouser lover (literally you could say - ha!). So you'll have to excuse another picture of me in jeans. And there's probably more to come.

These jeans though are completely different to what I'm normally found in, for a number of reasons. Firstly the colour - how pretty is this blue! Secondly, they're a slim fit and thirdly, they're not boot-cut. I'm trying to make an effort to move away from baggy bootcut after looking at a few piccies lately.  It seems to be all I wear - oops!

Jeans - Simply Be size 20
T-shirt - Primark size 20
Cardigan - F&F at Tesco (old) size 20
Shoes - Marks and Spencer (very very old!)
I added a fab new T-shirt from Primark. Very pastel with birdcages and a bargain at £3 if I remember rightly. Primark really is turning into my favourite place to shop. I have lots more goodies from there, so I'll try to be organised and show you these soon. I also need to get this blog organised and post some links to all the people that inspire me.
Watch this space and thanks for reading!


Sunday, 23 March 2014

OOTD - curry night

Hello there!

Well now the weekend is nearly over and the next weekend seems far too far away, I thought I'd share an outfit I wore Saturday for a curry night with friends (so technically it's not really an OOTD, but I'm learning so bear with me xx).

This is one of 3 skater style dresses I bought in the sale from Simply Be (seriously, I could spend a fortune on that site). There were reduced to £15 so I ordered three, one of each colour/design and only intend to keep one. Well, that was the plan.

First off, ordered them in a 22. Way too big. Cue happy dance so reordered in a 20 (me? in a 20??). This pattern of cream and black bows was the print I was least sure about, but as soon as I put it on, I loved it.

Dress - Simply Be sale, size 20
Belt - Primark (old)
Tights - Marks and Spencer XL
Boots - Duo (very old)

It came with tie-backs, so I cut them off and replaced with a Primark belt I bought last year. I think it helped break up the pattern and give me a bit more of a waist!

All teamed with black tights from Marks and Spencer and my trusty Duo boots, so old I can't even remember when I bought them, but I'm guessing 6+ years at least.

I so rarely wear dresses that people did a double take, but I felt great and it made a nice change from my normal outfit of trousers and top. I shall endeavour to wear more dresses!!

Oh...and those dresses from Simply Be?? I ended up keeping all 3, but I think you could have guessed that couldn't you? Keep a watch for them in upcoming posts.

Thanks for reading

Monday, 17 March 2014

Just popped into Primark


I really don't think it's possible to just pop into Primark, despite this posts title! I always end up getting sidetracked, wondering around going ooh and ahh and spending far more than I planned. But that's ok, because it's a bargain - isn't it?

For me, solo trips on an early weekday morning are the perfect time. Now I know that makes me sound very unsociable but sometimes it's nice to have a bit of me time to try on all the stuff at my leisure without battling the crowds. When's your favourite time to visit?

I do seem to have done a fair bit of popping in lately so there'll probably be more pics of my Primark goodies. Enough of the chat, here we go....

Socks!!! I have been wanting lace trimmed little socks for ages. These beauties were lurking by the till so I grabbed them all. £2 for the 3 pack and £1.50 each for the sparkle ones.

Excuse the bad picture, I have an ancient Blackberry that I haven't got the heart to change! But back to the socks, lace, glitter and pastels all in one package! And it works out at a £1 a pair - definitely a bargain.
I'm thinking this will be great in summer with some canvas shoes and even my very sensible and very comfortable red t-bar shoes.
Thanks for reading


Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Spring pumps

So Spring has sprung....almost! Not sure I'm brave enough to put away all my winter stuff just yet though :-). It is the perfect time of year though for pumps, canvas shoes, whatever you want to call them.

Now, first of all, I'm not good at heels. Anything over an inch and I'm in a danger zone. I still have the scars on my knees and legs from last years trips and falls (honestly) so I'm normally found in very sensible shoes. Plus I have a thing about comfort. I can manage an uncomfortable outfit, scratchy top, itchy jumper no problem. Give me an uncomfortable shoe and I'll moan for Britain.

So for these last few days of sunshine I resurrected some old favourites which always make me smile.

They're from Shoe Zone and are a few years old, but they have stars! And they're shiny and they feel like slippers. I notice that this year Shoe Zone have some new floral canvas shoes which I have my eye on and not bad for only £7.99.

Then today, as I ambled through Tescos, I spotted these

Tesco F&F Floral print lace up canvas shoes £7.00

Now the picure doesn't do these justice. I would say they're almost an apricot colour and not too pink. Now I'm normally a 6.5 and the 7 fit like a dream. And only £7.00. If they had more colours, I'd buy them all!

I think there's a theme here of patterned pumps :-)

Thanks for reading



Monday, 10 March 2014

So why the name?

So you may be wondering why I use the name Southernyacht?

Well, despite what the name suggests, I'm defintitely not a sailor or a boat lover! In fact I can't even swim, but that's another story for another day.

For many years I've been active on various forums and so I needed a name that was 'me' and that people would recognise. So I played around with my name (Cathy) and made the anagram yacht. I live on the south coast so that's where Southern comes from.

Low and behold, we have Southernyacht. I've used it for so long now it really has become a part of me!

Thanks for reading


Thursday, 6 March 2014

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

And I'd be a very happy bunny!!

Thanks for reading


Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Tartan madness

So this may be a bit late - but hopefully someone may get a bargain.

I loved the tartan trend this winter, so much so that I splashed out and spent a (huge, for me) amount on a fab tartan coat from the Timeout range at Simply Be

Timeout Check Hooded Jacket

It's now in the sale reduced from £90 to £18!! Arghhhhhh!!

But then, had I waited on the off chance that it would be reduced, I wouldn't have worn it over Christmas up in Scotland - and felt amazing!!

 Coat from Simply Be (22), Jeans (22) and boots from Marks & Spencer, Robin umbrella from Next (old, very old!)

So I guess the moral of this story is if you love something enough buy it....and don't look for it in the sales!!! I do love this coat though and can see it being a staple part of my wardrobe for many years.
Thanks for reading


Sunday, 2 March 2014

The scary first post....

Hello there!

Oh my goodness. It's taken me months to try to work what to say on here and I'm still going round in circles!

About me - a 40+ (nearly 45, where did that come from?) ex-librarian, Smurf collector, wannabe indexer / proof reader, sometime jewellery maker and fashion loving fat girl.

Another plus-size blog I hear you cry? Well, I'm hoping there's space for a 40+ girl who still feels in her 20's, doesn't want to be middle-aged and squeaks every time she sees an article that says women of a certain age shouldn't have long hair. Well, I'm blowing a bit fat raspberry to that!

What am I going to be putting on this new shiny blog? Well, fashion first and foremost. And when I say fashion, it's going to be on a shoestring. I'm so lucky to be self-employed and work from home, but with that comes less disposable pennies (cue sad face). So this will be my interpretation of budget fashion and recycling old clothes.

I may even venture into make-up and beauty. And if you're really lucky, a few ramblings on anything that takes my fancy. Hopefully over the next few weeks I'll add links to my favourite bloggers who have all inspired me so much and to my favourite places to shop.

Anyway, that's me! Thank you for reading and hope you come back and visit my corner of the interweb again.

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