Southern Yacht

My little take on plus size fashion, life, travel and smurfs

Friday, 12 December 2014

Christmas jumper day

Hi everyone,

Well, as I type this - it's only 13 days to Christmas - eek!

I have to admit though to having nearly all pressies bought and wrapped (don't hate me!). I love Christmas, and this year especially. Last year I worked over Christmas for the first time ever and it just rushed by in a blur. This year I plan to take things a lot slower and be a lot more relaxed

Anyway - having fallen ridiculously behind with all my planned blogs - I've instead decided to share some of my Christmas themed jumpers and tops over the next couple of weeks - because if you can't look daft at this time of year - when can you??

As today was Christmas Jumper day (and cold and wet) it seemed a perfect time to bring out a Ho Ho Ho favourite.

 Topped off with pink antlers from Asda - what more could you want??

Thanks for reading




  1. Great jumper Cathy. I haven't even started wrapping my presents yet! ;) xx

  2. Thank you xx It seems to take me forever to wrap pressies!! xxx


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