Southern Yacht

My little take on plus size fashion, life, travel and smurfs

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Glasgow getaway - part 1

Hello everyone and Happy New Year!

As I publish this, it's Sunday evening and for a lot of people - they'll be having that sinking 'back to work' feeling. I know that feeling only too well! So big hugs for anyone feeling like that and forgive me spending a few minutes looking back at what I got up between Christmas and New Year.

It's become a bit of a tradition for myself and my mother to go away for a few days at Christmas. It's a different time every year depending on hotel deals, money and work commitments. This year, we flew up to Glasgow in Scotland on the 29th December. As amazing as New Year in Scotland is, I really wanted to be back home so we planned to come back on the 31st so I could see the New Year in with friends.

So here's a few piccies of what it all looked like. I'm lucky enough to live very close to Southampton Airport so Glasgow and many other places really only feel like a hop away - as long as I'm quick enough to get the cheap deals!!

I booked a rental car - something small and very very cheap. Luckily for me - our flight was delayed because of fog and this was all they had left!!

I nearly had kittens driving it to start with, but soon got used to it. It's the closest I'll ever come to owning a luxury car!

The hotel we stayed at is in the background here - The Crowne Plaza, Glasgow. It's a beautiful hotel with lovely staff. I just wish I could go back next week! 

View from across the River Clyde with the SECC (armadillo!) next to the hotel.

The coat is a bit of a oldie, I bought it in the sale last year from Simply Be - but it seemed a very suitable pattern to be wearing around Scotland. Plus it really is the warmest coat I have ever owned! I just didn't realise my gloves looked so green.....

Relaxing in the hotel bar and looking very pink :-)

We took a trip up to the Village of Luss on the shores of Loch Lomond. A beautiful little village that is so quiet in the winter. I suspect it's anything but quiet in the summer though looking at the size of the carpark.

Now those that know me will know how much I love hot chocolate. And as hot chocolates go - this was one of the best. It was very hard to resist ordering a second one.

 I bought this top in Next before Christmas and saved it for this trip. It's a 22 and despite my reservations, washes really well and hasn't lost any sequins (yet). I haven't dared check to see if it's in the sale - it wasn't cheap but I just fell in love with it xx

Hope you enjoyed my piccies of Scotland - I suspect there may be more once I get hold of my mothers photos

Thanks for reading


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