Southern Yacht

My little take on plus size fashion, life, travel and smurfs

Friday, 22 April 2016

Plus40Fabulous - my skincare routine

Hello there,

The theme for this months post is skincare routines.

Now this one got me thinking. I haven't really changed my routine much over the years, the only things that's really changed is the type of product I use. I'd also love to say I'm really good and I remove all make-up (when I wear any) at the end of every day. But to be honest, if I'm wearing make-up, chances are that I'm going somewhere nice which then means I'll be eating lots, will be late home and too then tired to bother with anything other than falling into bed once home (I'm going to guess I'm not the only one though...) I'm also the person who will skip moisturing after a shower if I'm in a hurry (so most days then).

So with that in mind, this post will be about what I use on hands, feet, body and face. I only ever buy high street brands or products that you can find in the local supermarket. This is all about what works for me and I'm really reluctant to spend lots on products when there's so many beautiful shoes and handbags to buy!


For years, I've used the Olay range, and probably will again. But in the last few months I've mixed it up with some own brand products from Superdrug and Asda. These are some of the products I'm using at the moment.

This cleanser is supposed to be a dupe for the Liz Earle hot cloth cleanser and I've spoken about this before on my empties post. It really makes me feel like my face is looking brighter.

I love a long soak in the bath with a face mask. I'd heard good things about this Superdrug one and I'm finding I need more moisturising products the older I get. This is perfect. Doesn't break me out and leaves my skin feeling soft and plumped up.

Occasionally, if I'm feeling a bit tired or generally bleaurghh, I'll add some of this NSPA Radiant Flash Serum from Asda under my moisturiser. I think it works, it certainly feels lovely and convinces me I'm looking less knackered.

Now I have a lot of moles - and I mean a LOT of moles. So any face cream has to have a minimum spf of 15 all times of the year. At the moment I'm using this Naturally Radiant Brightening Day Cream from Superdrug. It's light and absorbs well and seems to agree with my skin. 

And at night, I'm using a Night Repair Cream from NSPA at Asda. It's pretty thick (and alarmingly pink in colour) but feels gorgeous and in the morning, you certainly feel the difference.


I'm working my way through what seems to be a never ending tub of The Righteous Butter from Soap and Glory at the moment. I'm sure this thing refills itself every week! It smells gorgeous but is quite thick. I think the newer formula is lighter so that will suit me better. I hate spending ages waiting for body butter to sink in.

If I remember, I try to use a body scrub a couple of times a week. I tend to use it on upper arms only though. This Sugar Crush Body Scrub from Soap and Glory is a bit too harsh for my liking, so it's a long slog getting through the tub.

Shower gel tends to be whatever is to hand, but for shaving and feeling moisturised afterwards, you can't beat Soap and Glory Whipped Clean.


I always have these two creams by the bed. The Soap and Glory foot cream does a pretty good job, but occasionally, I'll need something a bit more hard working like the Scholl Cracked Heel Repair Cream.


And finally hands! This is my hand cream of choice at the moment. My hands seem to be aging at an alarming rate so I have bottles of hand cream scattered throughout the house, car and in my handbag.

So there you have it - this is what I currently use. I'm sure if I revisit this in 6 months, it will have changed. I'm finding as I get older, I'm needing different products in the winter and summer months.

But of course, all the face creams in the world won't stop you looking like this...

Thanks for reading and don't forget to have a look at the other people taking part:


Thanks for reading



1 comment

  1. I have the n-spa primer which I love but I like the look of their other products after seeing your post. I am also guilty of falling into bed without taking my make up off as well!!! You have made me think about hand cream I really need to pay more attention to my hands as they do get dry and at this rate they will give my age away!!!! xx


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