Southern Yacht

My little take on plus size fashion, life, travel and smurfs

Sunday, 18 December 2016

A Christmas frock from M&Co

Hello there,

It's party season which means it's time to dress up, celebrate and have a good time. It also means it's time for a new dress. To be honest, I don't own that many dresses so to find one I really really like is a bit of an achievement.

M&Co's party range this year has really impressed me. I got a sneak preview at their Christmas in July event and one dress really stood out for - their black and gold glitter swing dress*.

Now I'm 5'3 and so for me, it falls just below the knee, which is just about as short as I'm happy with for an evening dress. It's also wonderfully soft, not scratchy like other glitter dresses and has the most flattering floaty sleeves. Plus - the best bit of all - it's stretchy! And I mean really stretchy. This is the perfect frock if you know you're heading out for a large Christmas dinner.

To start with, I dressed this up with high heels and the works. But, that's not me. It's not how I would wear it in real life, so those photos were scrapped and this is exactly how I'd wear it. I can't wear heels for love nor money and I hate tights with a passion. So this is me, as dressed up as I get!

The bag is from Dorothy Perkins and is suitable for carrying anything and everything you might need on a night out (which normally includes the other half's glasses - gone are the days of a small handbag).

A close up of the material with a vintage necklace.

I think it's safe to say I've found my perfect party dress. I'll certainly be looking to see what else M&Co have (I already have my eye on a Christmas jumper or two!)

Thanks for reading


*gifted item - all opinions and reviews are my own


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