Southern Yacht

My little take on plus size fashion, life, travel and smurfs

Thursday, 31 August 2017

Outfit August - the last day!

So here we are, the end of August and (for me anyway) the end of summer. It's also the end of Outfit August and while I haven't posted as many outfits as I'd like, I've enjoyed seeing what everyone else wore this month.

Recently we went out (on a week night as well!) to a new Miller & Carter restaurant that was opening almost on our doorstep. I wanted to look smart, but comfortable as I had a feeling there was going to be a lot of food involved.

This is a dress I bought in the sales probably a couple of years ago at least. I remember loving it, but never had much occasion to wear it. I should have sold it, charity shopped it etc, but I just loved it too much, so every time there was a wardrobe clear out - it survived.

I teamed it with a denim jacket from Next which is becoming a firm favourite and this beautiful tapestry bag from Primark. It's completely useless as a bag - by the time you get your keys and glasses in it's full - but it's so pretty!

And I was right about there being a lot of food - the evening ended with this (reminding me of the golden snitch from Harry Potter!).

Don't forget to check out the other lovely ladies who took part in Outfit August:


Thanks for reading

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