Southern Yacht

My little take on plus size fashion, life, travel and smurfs

Thursday, 2 November 2017

A September and October Instagram round up

Hello there,

It's been a busy few months. We travelled to parts of the UK we'd never been to before, met Stormtroopers and wandered through Bayeux under a spooky orange sky.

Here's a few photos of the last couple of months:

Castles, we did a few....

I learnt that selfies on a windy day in front of Bamburgh Castle are never a good idea. I also learnt that I'm not that found of steep stairs in York with not many handrails. And Alnwick Castle was as beautiful as I was hoping for.

I met all sort of people at Defcon VI in Totton

We spent a glorious week exploring Normandy:
More castles, more scary staircases and beautiful beaches.

Hope you enjoyed my round up. It's the countdown to Christmas now (#nevertooearly) - time for all those Christmas jumpers, silly hats and endless adverts for sofas and perfumes.

Thanks for reading



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