Southern Yacht

My little take on plus size fashion, life, travel and smurfs

Tuesday, 29 January 2019

A Mini Flying Tiger Dream Days Haul

In theory, January was going to be a frugal month. With Christmas and a holiday to save up for I was sure I could do a no-spend January (barring essentials). Well, the intention was good... until I heard about Flying Tiger's Dream Day Promotion with everything in store for £2 or less. I decided to conveniently forget about no-spend January and see what was available giving myself a £10 spend limit. £12 later (!) I'm pretty pleased with what I got.

First up is an early birthday present. Fingers crossed the intended recipient doesn't read my blog. This was such a quirky, colourful clock and small enough not to overshadow the smallest of kitchens.

A Flying Tiger haul

Next up, notebooks and a 5 year diary. I'm sure that like a large majority of people, I don't need any more notebooks. But this one had stars on and was padded and covered in the softest of of course it had to come home with me.

A Flying Tiger haul

The diary - I haven't had a 5 year diary since I was at school but I thought it might be fun to try and keep this going. I'm very sure I won't post regularly and will probably be more like a 10 year diary. But I really wanted something to keep a record of key events over the coming years.

A Flying Tiger haul

Similar to notebooks, I'm sure I didn't really need another travel make-up/travel bag but - it's cute!

A Flying Tiger haul

And finally - the two things I really wanted and intended to buy all along. New perspex storage units for make-up and other bits and bobs I keep on my bedside cabinet.

A Flying Tiger haul

A Flying Tiger haul

A Flying Tiger haul

A Flying Tiger haul

So that was my mini Flying Tiger haul. Despite breaking my no-spend ban, I'm really pleased with what I bought. I also think this is one of those shops where it's almost impossible not to buy anything!

Thanks for reading



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