Southern Yacht

My little take on plus size fashion, life, travel and smurfs

Saturday, 14 December 2019

My favourite Christmas song

Everyone has a favourite Christmas song - and sometimes that song can bring back so many memories.

Some of my favourites are ones I remember from childhood such as Band Aid, Slade and Wizzard. But my absolute ultimate number one - is a real marmite choice for a lot of people.

The Pogues & Kirsty MacColl - Fairytale of New York. This was released for Christmas 1987 - the year the other half and I started going out. I blame him for introducing me to The Pogues and really, you could say this became our Christmas song.

The lyrics are - shall we say - interesting? I remember overhearing two teenage girls hearing the song for the very first time some years back and couldn't help but giggle at how shocked they were at the words.

What do you think? Is this a Christmas song for you?



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