A little post about some things that have made me smile this week.
I think I'm lucky because a lot of things make me happy, family and friends especially. But some things make me sad too, so on days like this when the sun is out and I have some free time, it's nice to appreciate the little fun things.
This is my happy necklace. It's a few years old and when I first saw it in Accessorize I wanted it so so so much! But it was way over my teeny tiny budget :-(. I kept looking though and come the sales, it was half price! Everytime I wear it, it makes me feel summery and colourful
I seem to have a bit of an obsession lately with frilly socks! These came from Accessorize too (part of their 3 pairs for £8 offer). I sometimes find that socks can cut into your ankle leaving the dreaded sock line, but these are ok and so far, nice and comfy. The shoes are from good old Primark for £4 and remind me of an orange sorbet! (and my trousers aren't really that short - honest!).
And finally, this really bought a smile to my face this week. Mooching around Tescos I checked out their F&F range. Now, this hasn't always been the most successful range for me in the past and I've struggled to find things that fit well, but just lately I've found some good stuff. This was hidden at the back of the sale rack for £7 but had a small hole in the back. Nothing 5 minutes with a needle and thread won't sort out though (plus it's at the back and I can't see that when I'm wearing it!).
Tescos - size 22
I've seen lip prints before and didn't think I liked them, but the colours in this remind me of raspberries and summer. That sounds weird, but I hope you know what I mean!!
Anyway, these a few of the things that have made me smile over the last couple of days. I know they're frivolous but sometimes I think we all need things like this.
Thanks for reading
Loving the necklace and the frilly socks! x