Southern Yacht

My little take on plus size fashion, life, travel and smurfs

Sunday, 30 March 2014

OOTD - Blue legs!

Hello there :-)

Well, with all this glorious weather, it seemed a shame not to drag myself outside and show you all what I ventured out in today.

I must admit, I am a big trouser lover (literally you could say - ha!). So you'll have to excuse another picture of me in jeans. And there's probably more to come.

These jeans though are completely different to what I'm normally found in, for a number of reasons. Firstly the colour - how pretty is this blue! Secondly, they're a slim fit and thirdly, they're not boot-cut. I'm trying to make an effort to move away from baggy bootcut after looking at a few piccies lately.  It seems to be all I wear - oops!

Jeans - Simply Be size 20
T-shirt - Primark size 20
Cardigan - F&F at Tesco (old) size 20
Shoes - Marks and Spencer (very very old!)
I added a fab new T-shirt from Primark. Very pastel with birdcages and a bargain at £3 if I remember rightly. Primark really is turning into my favourite place to shop. I have lots more goodies from there, so I'll try to be organised and show you these soon. I also need to get this blog organised and post some links to all the people that inspire me.
Watch this space and thanks for reading!



  1. Ooh, they are the bluest of blue jeans! They look great. x x

  2. Thank you! I did feel a bit self concious ambling around Sainsburys though! xx


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