Southern Yacht

My little take on plus size fashion, life, travel and smurfs

Sunday 14 September 2014

I break plus size rules

Hi all,

I read a great post by Debz at Wannabe Princess this evening all about breaking so called 'plus size rules'. You can read her post here

There are some great pictures of other bloggers on there looking fab and not giving two hoots about what should be worn. Basically - there are no such things as rules, wear what the hell you like :-)

So in getting in the theme, here's a little pic of me from yesterday. Couldn't decide which striped top to wear - so wore both. Outrageous....

Cardigan - Primark, size 20
Top - TU Sainsburys via charity shop, size 20
Please excuse the wobbly pictures lately. I promise to do better!
Thanks for reading

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