Southern Yacht

My little take on plus size fashion, life, travel and smurfs

Saturday 18 April 2015

Mini shopping spree - jewellery, nail varnish, lips and shoes

Hello there,

I'm trying so hard to be good and not spend much as I'm off on holiday soon over to Belgium. Well, that was the plan anyway. As you'll see below I didn't succeed, but I love what I bought anyway.

I'm a real magpie when it comes to jewellery and anything sparkly. I can't seem to walk past a shop without stopping to see what's for sale. I'm seriously starting to run out of storage room for it all - I think that's definitely another blog post for the future.

These little sparklies were part of 2 for 1 offer at New Look. So it was easy to persuade myself and my mother to buy a pair each.

I fell in love with this necklace from Dorothy Perkins. I love long, feature necklaces and this feels so tactile. I wore it yesterday and couldn't stop playing with it. Sainsburys are also selling the exact same necklace but for 50p more

Rings - the bigger the better! I have a love for all things coral and peach at the moment and this was a perfect buy from Peacocks. For only £2 you know you're not getting anything high end, but I really don't care. It's fun jewellery and makes me smile

After all that jewellery shopping, another favourite of mine - Poundland. I had heard about the CK lip glosses for sale in there. Now I'm not a fan of lip gloss - or any lipstick really. But for only a £1 each, it was worth a try.

The dark colour was a bit of an eek moment to be honest. I doubt it will get much use and will be destined for an evening/party look only. But the paler shade was so pretty. Plus the little pots are perfect for popping into pockets and small handbags.

No shopping trip seems to be complete without a purchase from Barry M at Superdrug. I needed a new base and topcoat and how beautiful is this glitter polish?

And finally Primark. I'm very lucky that I don't really have wide feet (just wide ankles!) so many of their cheaper fashion shoes fit perfectly. These were £4 each so I didn't feel too guilty buying one of each colour.

So often on shoes like this, I find the ankle strap isn't big enough for wide ankles. These are fine though with a bit of room to spare.

Hope you you liked having a peek at what I bought - I really must be good now though!


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