Southern Yacht

My little take on plus size fashion, life, travel and smurfs

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Fuerteventura holiday - part 1

Hi everyone,

This is a bit of a long one, so I've split it into two. I'm still catching up with bits and pieces and I realised this evening that all my holiday posts were still sitting in folders as drafts - argh!

Anyway, a month or so ago sun was needed - anywhere! So an evening searching for something cheap and cheerful resulted in a booking being made for week in Fuerteventura. Now I have been here before - but not until I dug through some old guide books did I realise it was 19 years since the last visit!!

The resort picked was Caleta de Fuste, the same as before. I had hoped to recognise a few places, but nope! Not a thing. Guess a lot changes in 19 years! Which is a good thing really as I'm not a fan of going back to the same place on holiday (exception being Las Vegas - but that's a whole other blog post).

Now I'm not really a beach holiday type of person anymore. So this was a hard holiday to pack for. Thank goodness for Primark where I picked up this sundress for a fiver - can't go wrong for that!

About 5 years ago, I would never have dreamt of wearing vest tops, shorts, short skirts etc. But now, what the hell! I know that blogging, both reading others and writing my own little blog has helped a lot. Plus I seem to be more confident the older I get.

Skirt - Indigo at Marks and Spencer (20) old
Top - old
Shoes - Crocs

Now, I normally take a 20 or 22 in trousers depending on style/cut etc. But shorts seem to have a sizing all of their own!! I ended with a 24 as I knew I'd be hot and I definitely didn't want anything clingy or tight. I did need to take the waist in, but the legs were a good fit and felt comfortable and cool.

Shorts - Simply Be (24)
Top - Primark (20)

Mocktails! I'm really not a drinker at all, so anywhere that does mocktails and gives me a chance to have an umbrella and sparkly bits in my drink gets my vote :-)

I think this is one of my favourite dresses. It's few years old now and comes from Inspire at New Look (22). It doesn't show on the photos so much, but it comes with a gorgeous deep purple lining under the lace and is so comfortable.

Slippers - classy!

So thats's part 1 - part 2 to follow shortly.

Thanks for reading




  1. I had that dress from Primark on my holiday too, it is so easy to wear! You look lovely in all your holiday clobber :) Emily xx

  2. Lovely photos and outfits Cathy. I love looking at people's holiday snaps. It really cheers me up. xx


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