Southern Yacht

My little take on plus size fashion, life, travel and smurfs

Monday, 3 August 2015

Outfit August Day Three

Well, it's day Three of Outfit August - and here's my first outfit! As you can probably guess, it's going to be a whenever I have time month. Although I'm keeping fingers and toes crossed that it's going to get less hectic as the days go on.

Outfit August is the brainchild of Leah from Just Me Leah. It's a great way to dig through our wardrobes and see what we have hidden away and just to document what we actually wear every day.

Now I work from home, and although that should in theory give me plenty of time to do lots of photos, I doubt you'll want to see me everyday in my thinking gear as I call it (aka PJs). Or maybe you do...?

Anyway, this is todays outfit. I have a love/hate relationship with this dress. It's a TU dress from Sainsburys and it's featured on the blog before. I don't think it's the most flattering, but boy is it comfy! So for that reason alone, it earns its place in my wardrobe.

Shoes are my old faithful Crocs. They are like slippers, and I'm seriously considering buying them in black. I just can't wear heels now so anything flat is perfect and black will go with anything. Finally the cardie is from Primark. It was much brighter than I realised once I got it home, but I love it anyway.

I added some earrings from Avon. These are an old pair, but Avon is a really good place to look for jewellery. They quite often do quirky pieces that are affordable and they last forever (I'm not an Avon rep - honest!).

These are the other ladies taking part in Outfit August so check them out


Thanks for reading



1 comment

  1. Loving the sandals, earrings and toe nail polish! xx


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