Southern Yacht

My little take on plus size fashion, life, travel and smurfs

Friday, 26 February 2016

Wingz review with an evening dress

Hello there,

The lovely people at Wingz recently sent a pair of their sleeves* for me to try. If you've never heard of Wingz, they produce an amazing range of sleeves which can be worn with sleeveless dresses and tops. It helps transform a summer outfit into one which can be worn all year and is ideal if you're not fond of going bare armed.

After looking at their website, I knew straight away which dress I wanted to try these with. I'd  recently bought a beautiful dress from Navabi, but until it gets a bit warmer, it's not going to see much use.

As you can see, I quite like swooshing around in it!

Now the Wingz are pretty easy to put on. The website even has a video tutorial on how to do it. I ordered size 3 but I might have been able to get away with the next size down as they're pretty generous. This is how they look under your clothing:

I opted for the 3/4 length lace sleeve in black to match the lace detailing on the dress. I think they look like a pretty good match! What do you think?

More swooshiness and silly faces. I think these look great with this dress and have turned it into an all year round outfit. I did wonder if there'd be gapping at the back but as you can from the pics, there's nothing to see.

Wingz have a range of colours, whites, neutrals, purple and even a bridal collection. It's a great way to get more use out of an outfit without having to resort to cardigans.

Thanks for reading


*Items were gifted by Wingz - review is my own honest opinion


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