Southern Yacht

My little take on plus size fashion, life, travel and smurfs

Monday, 20 June 2016

A day at RHS Rosemoor - holiday post

Hello there,

Has there ever been something which you didn't really 'get' or understand? For me it's gardening. I love to sit in gardens and I could look at them all day, but the practical side of gardening confuses the hell out me. Bit like this really:

So when it was suggested we spend a day at RHS Rosemoor during our week in Devon, I braced myself for a day of confusing terms, lots of nodding at unpronounceable plants and a hell of a lot of walking.

And you know what? It wasn't bad at all. We bought our tickets online before we travelled down to save a few quid and it worked out at £9 an adult. Not the cheapest thing to do but if you plan to spend the whole day there like we did, it's not too bad. I also took a LOT of water, sunglasses and sunscreen as it was a hot day with a lot of walking around in not a lot of shade. My trusty Primark trainers were so comfy.

There's a quite a lot of photos - but just be grateful I didn't include all the individual plant ones that were taken during the day - otherwise you'd be scrolling through 100's of them!

There was a lovely mix of formal and wild meadows, I did enjoy ambling through here.

And of course, no holiday to Devon is complete without a cream tea and a local beer.

So the overall verdict from a non-gardener? I had a great day. It helps that I like people watching and I was quite content to be just left to sit and admire the view while everyone else raved over the vegetable gardens. It also helps to come prepared with water and proper footwear. Would I come again?

Yes!!! It really was an unexpectedly good day (can you tell from the photo?)

Thanks for reading.



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