Southern Yacht

My little take on plus size fashion, life, travel and smurfs

Thursday, 2 March 2017

A January & February round-up

Hello there,

Well, I don't know what happened to February. I know it's a short month, but blimey, it flew by! I did plan to do a January round-up, but instead it's turned into a Jan/Feb mash-up.

So here's a collection of some of the things the New Year bought me:

I bought my new favourite shoes from Primark - high top trainers that are so so comfy. They're useless in wet weather but that's not a problem here in the UK is it??

My Life jumper from Navabi. I could seriously live in this, true to size and washes well.

First Easter egg of the year - who can resist a chocolate unicorn?

Fog - I hate fog!! Enough said :-(

Great food at Tapas Barcelona, Southampton. I seriously ate my body weight in olives here....

(just in case you didn't believe the amount of olives...)

And finally, I saw La La Land, which I loved (along with a few adverts for the upcoming Smurf Movie). In fact the people behind the Smurfs Movie made a pretty good La La Land / Smurf mix:

That's a bit of a round-up of what I've loved these last two months, let's hope March doesn't go past so quickly!

Thanks for reading




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