Southern Yacht

My little take on plus size fashion, life, travel and smurfs

Monday, 14 December 2015

Blogmas 12 & 13 - Christmas decorations, nostalgia and Plus 40 Fabulous

Hello there,

I fully intended this year to have the whole house decorated out by the first weekend of December. Well, I didn't quite manage that, but this weekend we finally scrambled  into the loft and dug out the decs (I use the word 'we' - I stood with a torch and offered encouraging words!).

The centrepiece of any Christmas is the tree. We have an artificial tree, which I know for some is just not Christmas - but a necessity when you have someone in the house with an allergy to pine needles and cats that like to climb, bit and chew. Although saying that, this is the first time in years we have no four legged friends to share it with :-(

I don't have themes or colour schemes for the tree. The only pattern I follow is to have decorations that bring back memories, such as ones that are bought when on holiday or ones that are gifts.

I seem to have a bit of a Snoopy theme here...

...and a duck one too

I gave this little chap a new home this year - he seems quite happy at the bottom of the tree here.

And finally - an update on the Sephora Advent Calendar. The last few days have seen a travel bottle, a ribbon and some travel nail varnish wipes. For someone who likes travel samples, I'm happy.

Hope you enjoyed this peek at my Christmas tree. I've linked this post into the Plus 40 Fabulous campaign that Leah from Just me, Leah and Mookie from Mookie's Life are running.

Thanks for reading and please check out the blogs of the other Plus 40 Fabulous bunch




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